There are millions of people are engage with freelance job.We can say Freelance is a form of entrepreneurship where a potential worker will engage in short term job within an agreement and s/he will done the job according to scheduled time.I have seen some common popular freelance job that is Article Writing, web design, graphic design , Data entry, event management, publishing, Social media marketing, journalism, , screenwriting, music, film making copy editing, acting, photojournalism editing, proofreading, indexing, copy writing, computer programming, video editing, video production, translating and many more.
I am sharing some top legit freelance site where you can easily earn money. There are many scams site on the internet,you have to be careful to select right one.
1. elance
Elance is in leading positing in the field of Freelance and most of the advance freelance workers wants to get connect with Elance.You would find wide range of jobs opportunity and jobs are adding everyday on this site.
Website Address:
2. Guru
Guru is a freelance site but less opportunity for free members because there are very limited bid for them.This site is emphasizing on writing job.Millions of freelancer registered with Guru and they are working and earning money Online.For payment you must have PayPal or prepaid Master Card.Website Address:
3. Odesk
oDesk is very popular freelance site. Mostly freelancers from India,Pakistan and Bangladesh.An oDesk worker can get 15 bid per month.
Website Address:
4. Freelancer
Freelancer is very old site over the internet.Its popular in all over the world. It has become giant now in Freelance sector.Freelancer provide higher commission and good working opportunity.
Website Address:
5. GetACoder
Getacoder is best site for programming,database development and web designing.Website Address:
6. 99Designs
The #1 marketplace for graphic design, including logo design, web design and other design contests.
Website Address:
7. Fiverr
Fiverr is a global online marketplace offering tasks and services, beginning at a cost of $5 per job performed, from which it gets its name.Social Marketing,Writing & Translation,Graphics & Design,marketing,fun,Logo Design,and more online services,on budget and on time.Website Address: