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Download Free Flatshop v1.6.1 – Responsive & Retina Magento Theme

Tags:Download Free Flatshop v1.6.1 – Responsive & Retina Magento Theme,Retina Magento Themes,Best Magento Themes,Fashion Magento Themes,Responsive Magento Theme.
Download Free Flatshop v1.6.1 – Responsive & Retina Magento Theme
Flatshop is a Responsive & Retina Magento Theme with all the magento features.

Compatible with:

Magento CE1.7.0.0, Magento CE, Magento CE, Magento CE, Magento CE, Magento CE 1.9

We use SVN in our work to control version of templates. What does it mean? It means you can always update your copy of theme very easy even after a ton of custom changes because we provide .diff files with theme files. Just compare your files with changed ones after new version will be realeased.
Demo Flatshop – Responsive & Retina Magento Theme


Download Flatshop – Responsive & Retina Magento Theme



1 comment

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